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Conversion Tracking - How to Increase Conversions in Adwords?

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You may have set up your Google Adwords campaign and have started receiving the most awaited traffic but alas! where are the conversions? Getting successful conversions from your ads running in Google requires you to implement some tips and tricks. Before we move on to discuss the secrets of getting a good conversion rate, let us discuss what are conversions?

What is a Conversion?

A conversion happens when someone performs a specific task that is valuable to your business after clicking on your ad. This can be sale of a product, registration of an event, subscribing a newsletter etc. These successful events can be tracked in Google Analytics and is termed as "Conversions".

Types of Conversions

Conversion can be of two types :-

1 per Click - This type of conversion happens when a single conversion takes place with an ad within a span of 30 days. Only one conversion per person is counted even if a single person makes multiple conversions after clicking on an ad. Unique conversions utilized this method.

Many Per Click - This type of conversion happens when multiple conversions takes place with an ad. Multiple conversions per person happens with this type of conversion.

Conversion Tracking

Before you start the actual optimization of the Adwords campaign, make sure you have started the conversion tracking process. This will help you to show how many conversions you are getting for your business.


How to Set Up Conversion Tracking?

You need to add a snippet of HTML and Javascript code into your web pages in order to start tracking successful conversions. You can get the code after logging into your Adwords account. For more help, please visit:-

Benefits of Conversion Tracking

Have a look at this useful video sharing the benefits of conversion tracking.


Secrets to Increase Conversions in Adwords - Conversion Rate Optimization

The little bits of ad enhancement and conversion enhancement techniques are shared below:-

1- Use Ad Extensions

In order to increase the chances of people clicking on your ad. It is important to use ad extensions which are available in the form of location extensions, call extensions, sitelinks, offer extensions, social annotations, seller ratings etc. You can find ad extensions under the "Ad Extensions" present in the "Settings" tab.More information can be found here:-

2- Use Conversion Optimizer

For a complete understanding of conversion optimization, have a look at the video shared below:-


3- Use Exclamation Marks to Improve CTR

Many webmasters and marketers have witnessed an increase in CTR after they have used exclamation marks in their ad title or description.

4- Target More Specific Keywords

Make sure to use specific keywords like those which can increase the chances of conversions. For example  if your store sells "Black Forest Cake" then instead of targeting keywords like "Cake" in your campaign, be more specific and target "Black Forest Cake".

5- Use Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are those keywords that you want to exclude from your ad and restrict your site from being showed up in search results. These keywords do not bring conversions and it is better to exclude these negative keywords from the ad campaigns. For example if your selling something then you might want to exclude the words "free" from your ad campaigns.More help on adding multiple negative keywords can be found here:-

6- Increase Ad Quality Score

Having an increased ad quality score will decrease your cost per click and directly increase your visibility.
7- Create Specific Campaigns for Separate Cities

Create city wise campaigns after analyzing the data as to which city is providing the maximum conversions by looking at the adwords dashboard.

8- Use Exact Match Phrases

Instead of opting for broad phrases, go with exact match phrases. This will increase the relevancy of your ad and get more interested people visit the landing page instead of time pass people.

9- Customize Content Network

Google by default, displays all your ad across all their content network sites. This accounts for a large percentage of sites and most of the clicks comes from people clicking on ads displayed on this vast content network. You can customize this content network and restrict your ad to get displayed in some specific sites only depending on the nature of your business.

10- Schedule Your Ads

You may schedule your ads to get displayed at a particular time. This would be the best option if you want to target customers at a particular time of the day or night. First analyze the time when maximum conversions happen and then adjust your campaigns accordingly.

11- Apply Filters

You may apply various type of filters like determining which campaigns are delivering the best results, which campaigns are providing the maximum invalid clicks, ad groups that have not generated any impressions etc.

12 - Create Rules Using Automate

Image credit- Google

Apply automated rules on your specific ad campaigns based on several criteria like changing the budget on peak shopping days, modifying bids based on CTR etc.