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Seo Content Copywriting Basics You Must Know

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Content is the single most entity ruling the web. In order to push up your online marketing strategy, proper seo copywriting is needed as it helps in gaining good search engine rankings and increases your brand’s search engine visibility. Content that rules the web needs to be solid, comprehensive, original, user targeted, keyword laden and properly linked with little tweaks and tricks in order to handle the search engines properly. This post would help you unveil the secrets of seo copywriting which you can use to promote your website.

The Basics of Seo Copywriting

Search engine optimizers are skilled professionals who have mastered the art of making websites rank high in the search engines for targeted keywords by making it more search engine friendly as well as user friendly. “Seo copywriting” is a technique used by search engine optimizers to make the site’s content go in terms of search engine guidelines and ranking algorithm in order to help it rank higher up on the search engines. Here are the basics which you must keep in mind while writing content for your website:-

Research Your Audience

The first step in writing a comprehensive resource is finding the demands of your niche audience. You must think about the audience for whom you are writing and do some keyword research in order to find the terms they are using to find related content. Your content must focus on their needs, as for example, if the content targets recipe lovers in Asia then use of words “gms”, “kilos”, “tsp’s” would help them serve better instead of using the word “oz”.

Find Out Profitable Keyterms

Find out the profitable keyterms for your business and use them to shape up your writing. You may use tools like Google Keyword Research Tool, Wordtracker etc. for your research work. It is important to consider each and every related keyword including both short tail and long tail ones.

Use Synonyms

Google is a smarter search engine and knows how to tackle webmasters who engage in spammy practices of writing content having too high keyword ratio. An algorithm has been specifically created by the name “Panda” to target such sites having too many keyword rich and similar content pages. Hence, it is safer to use synonyms instead of your main keyword again and again.

Use Descriptive Titles and Meta Tags

Make sure every page you write is having descriptive titles and Meta descriptions. Title tags and Meta description tags are used by the search engines in order to gain knowledge about your main body content. Hence, make it proper, use your main keywords at the starting and also think from marketers prospective as it helps to increase the clickthrough rate.

Highlight Main Content under H1…H6 Tags

Content written for the search engines must be formatted properly using H1 tags. H stands for heading and H1 contains your main heading while H2 contains the sub heading of your content. So, in order to let the search engines identify the main focus of your article, keep the heading between <H1>…..</H1> tags. Similarly, the sub heading will go between <H2>….</H2> tags and so on.

Provide Original and Comprehensive Content

Content must fulfill the basic criteria of being original and comprehensive. Do some proper research and include references and citations wherever necessary. Remember, users love the resources that answer all their queries and the search engines always follow user’s actions.

Use Internal Links

You must use internal links within your main article. This helps the users to find related content within your site and also helps to decrease the bounce rate. It is one of the most overlooked factors which help in increasing the value of your web page in the eyes of search engines.

Add Pictures and Videos

“A picture is worth a thousand words”, keeping this in mind, you must use pictures and videos in your content. Users find it easy to browse videos and gain knowledge out of it. This also helps to increase the time spent on the site by the users and makes your website more valuable in the eyes of the search engines.

Encourage User Engagement

Always leave scope for user engagement in the form of user comments. Participation of the user is necessary in order to make it look more authentic and user friendly. Some users even share useful points which you might have missed out in your main article and this helps in making your content even more comprehensive.

Have Proper Spelling and Grammar

Proofreading your content is necessary. Users hate to spend time on a site that is poorly written and contain spelling and grammar mistakes. Hence, take ample time to proofread your article before you publish it.


Remembering the points discussed above will surely help you in making your site rank higher up on the search engines.