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What is good content?

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You must have heard about the term “good content” from every Seo’s mouth. So, what’s exactly a good content? Content is everything for your website. After all, its because of this content that people would be visiting your website.

Good Content and Seo

Every Seo wants to have the best content in his/her website, in order to rank higher in search engines. Good content is something which satisfy the users demand. A person approaches a search engine in order to get answer to queries. If your website answers the question of the user then that would be a good content.

Good Content Essentials 

1-      Create content keeping the user in mind and not the search engines.
2-      Cover your topic well.
3-      Make use of proper grammar.
4-      Instead of creating 4-5 separate pages covering the same topic, you should merge them together to form a content rich page.
5-      Make sure people are able to link your content.
6-      Make use of proper paragraphs whenever necessary.
7-      Use bold tags to highlight major points.

What Not To Do?

1-      Do not place ads everywhere on your site. Ads should not annoy the user.
2-      Do not use too many fancy colors for formatting.
3-      Do not use too many fancy fonts so that it becomes harder for the user to read your content.
4-      Do not use too many images unless it is extremely necessary.
5-      Do not use unnecessary contextual links.

Before you start promoting your website, make sure that the content present on your site serves the need of the user. There is no point in promoting a site which has little or insufficient content and does not satisfy’s the users demand. Ultimately, what will happen is that your bounce rate would increase and as a result your site would not be seen as a user lovable site in the eyes of Google. A good content would be loved by the user and as a result, the user would spend more time on your site. More time means, the user is more likely to visit some other pages of the site and hence the bounce rate of the site would decrease.

Last Step

View the content in your page with the eyes of your user, if it satisfies you then it means you have created a ‘good content’ else find out what is annoying you, note down the points and try to solve it.